Well done to Fletcher Cubs 3rd place in the skills competition only one point split 1st / 2nd and 3rd amazing !
The most memorable and exciting time of your Scouting life is your investiture. This is why here at First Thurstaston we enjoy making it special! When a member is invested, it means they are from then on an official member of the group. In cubs, this involves the promise as follows. I promise that I will do my best To do my duty to God and the Queen To help other people and To keep the Cub Scout law.
If we have an exciting event coming up, for example a Camp or a visit, then our investiture will occur here! Ask any of our members where they were invested and they will more than likely all be in different places. That’s what makes each one such an unforgettable and unique experience. I was invested while dangling from a rope after Crate Stacking and it was very difficult to keep still! Recently we have had lots of lucky Beavers old enough to move on up to Cubs! After their few weeks making new friends and rekindling their old friendships, they are ready to be invested. Our most recent investiture was Alex, who was invested at the Awesome Walls climbing centre. Everyone had a wonderful trip and loved welcoming him to the group. Camping has always been an important part of Scouting. It is both an enjoyable experience (in all weathers!) and a learning experience in one. For those in the Scout movement it allows them to bring a variety of things they have been taught into practice.
Recently, we ventured on our yearly trip to The Old School Lodge, an indoor camp which we always love! Surrounded by beautiful scenery in the heart of Snowdonia, with its gardens, outdoor climbing wall and games room, this camp is always a blast, with nice cosy beds and hot showers too! After our comfortable sleep we set off to an amusement park, GreenWood. After den building, sledge riding, roller coasters boat rides, bouncy castles, a painfully exciting barefoot trail and even an ice cream or two, we headed back to The Lodge for a well earned rest! After a movie and a good night's sleep we made our way to RSPB Conway (Royal Society for the Protection of Birds) where we were greeted by the volunteers who had organised an exciting day for us around their centre! In alternating groups, we went minibeast hunting, pond dipping, birdwatching and exploring! Everyone learnt something knew about birds and also why their centre is so important! We all had a brilliant time, each and every one of us experiencing something new! |
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