This page contains lists of the people who have been closely Involved with the Group in various capacities and includes Leaders and Helpers in each section as well as the leading lay members of the Group Executive Committee.
The entries are most probably not complete but have been made by trawling through the available Group records. If anyone has further information or spots any errors, please contact the GSL
The entries are most probably not complete but have been made by trawling through the available Group records. If anyone has further information or spots any errors, please contact the GSL
Honorary President
1980 Mr K R Morton
1987 Mr J D Richardson
2009 Dr D A Reed
Group Executive
Beaver Leaders
Cub Leaders
Scout Leaders
King and Queen Scout Awards
National awards
District Awards
1980 Mr K R Morton
1987 Mr J D Richardson
2009 Dr D A Reed
Group Executive
Beaver Leaders
Cub Leaders
Scout Leaders
King and Queen Scout Awards
National awards
District Awards